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Sep 26, 20209 min read
The Imposter Syndrome doesn’t just go away. Here’s what you need to know.
Imposter Syndrome thrives on anxiety and comparisonitis. To work with it we need a deeper awareness of who we are and what we do,
Jan 1, 20204 min read
The one thing you probably forget when it comes to making plans.
Achieving one's goals. Should be a breeze, is it though?
There's one key element in our goals, that most of us seem to forget.
Sep 23, 20197 min read
Tips for a smarter reading habit.
We are not usually taught to read better and there are some tangible ways you can use so that it's more effective, pleasant and sustainable.
Feb 12, 20195 min read
Digital minimalism; living beyond your screen.
We are drowning in digital clutter. Screens and apps and files and countless data might cause anxiety and overwhelm. So what's the solution?
Oct 22, 20186 min read
CREATIVITY. How do we find our unique voice?
What is creativity? Can only certain people create? Is creating always about art? These are some valid questions, and most of us...
Jun 4, 20187 min read
How to stop procrastinating. Best tips backed by science.
pro-cras-ti-na-tion noun: the action of delaying or postponing something Almost everyone procrastinates at some point or in some areas of...
Dec 8, 20173 min read
We are what we like. What’s your digital footprint?
So what is a digital footprint? It’s an obvious fact that we live in a digital era – an era of information. More and more of what we do...
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