Aug 21, 2020About the stories we tell ourselves, and how therapy might help you.What do we do in therapy? We take a closer look at the stories that people tell themselves. Stories that are harmful and often untrue.
Apr 7, 2020How to prepare for an online psychotherapy session.The recent pandemic is the reason why online psychotherapy became more and more common, and accessible in the comfort of your home.
Feb 29, 2020Understanding grief. How to live through it and how to support others.Dying is a part of life. It's not something we'd chosen, it's not something we can avoid either. It's something that awaits us all.
Dec 15, 2019A quick guide on how to survive Christmas.*Christmas is a huge trigger for a lot of people. How do we not only survive but actually enjoy this time?
Oct 28, 2019Stop waiting, start living!There’s no time like now. Whatever happens – be it a success or a failure – we learn from it, we make it through, and become wiser.